Fellows Testimonials

Dr. Yousuf Ali Al Balushi

Although it was a short fellowship period, my words cannot express how much I appreciate the opportunities given to me by Dr. Marco Romeo. During the fellowship, my time was divided between assisting in the operating theater and attending consultations regularly, as well as assisting in some procedures under local anesthesia.

From an operative point of view, I assisted in a variety of cases ranging from breast aesthetic surgery to body contouring and facial rejuvenation surgeries, especially rhinoplasty.

Many thanks to Dr. Romeo for explaining many details of the surgeries based on his personal experience in this field and for showing me valuable tips. It was a one-on-one teaching experience and it was fabulous.

Obviously, such a fellowship added significantly to my surgical experience and gave me confidence in my future independent work.

Finally, I extend my thanks and appreciation to his remarkable team at the clinic for their support and friendship, as well as to my nursing colleagues who added value to this experience with their appreciated help and caring.

Hasta entonces, ¡nos vemos amigos!

Dr. Yousuf Ali Al Balushi

Dr Yousuf y Dr Marco Romeo

Dr. Mariana Flores

Durante mi último trimestre de la carrera de medicina tuve la oportunidad de rotar con el Dr. Marco Romeo y su equipo. La experiencia fue increíblemente gratificante ya que estuvo llena de aprendizaje tanto académico como práctico.

En la rotación asistí y ayudé en las cirugías del Dr. Romeo, donde me empapé de conocimientos sobre diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas que se realizan en cirugía plástica. El Doctor lleva a cabo muchas diferentes intervenciones, por lo cual la rotación te da una buena noción de todas las ramas de cirugía plástica. El ambiente es muy académico y eso permite que en cada cirugía aprendas algo nuevo pese a ya haber visto esa intervención anteriormente.

Para complementar el aprendizaje dentro de quirófano pude acompañar al equipo en la clínica, viendo el manejo del paciente desde la primera consulta hasta las curaciones postoperatorias y las revisiones del progreso quirúrgico a largo plazo. Esto me pareció excelente ya que la rotación te permite conocer al paciente desde antes de entrar a quirófano y darle un seguimiento a su progreso después de la cirugía. Aprendes sobre pasos imprescindibles durante una consulta de cirugía plástica y el correcto abordaje del paciente. Sin mencionar que los conocimientos en la clínica no se limitaron únicamente a temas médicos si no que también el equipo te enseña cómo se debe gestionar una clínica de cirugía plástica en ámbitos como ventas, manejo de redes sociales, formación de un equipo de trabajo integral, etc.

La rotación sin duda fue muy fructífera para mí. El conocimiento aprendido lo implementaré durante toda mi vida profesional. Estoy muy agradecida con el Dr. Romeo y su equipo que además de compartir su conocimiento como profesionales en la salud, también te hacen sentir como en casa y bienvenido dentro de su equipo que es como una familia. Jamás olvidaré esta gratificante experiencia que recomiendo ampliamente.

Dra. Mariana Flores 
Médica egresada del Tecnológico de Monterrey, México

Dr. Irina Lucaciel and Sebastian Potra

As part of an Erasmus traineeship program a colleague and me have spent 2 months in the private  plastic surgery clinic of dr Marco Romeo during the summer. This program was a unique experience for us because it gave us the chance to learn from a true professional in an international environment. We have not only had the chance to be 2nd and 3rd hand together with him in his surgeries that ranged from rhinoplasties to abdominoplasties, brest augumentation, blepharoplasty and many more, but we have also attended pre- and postoperatively discussions with the patients. We valued the fact that he took the time to explain to us the theoretical part of the medical procedures, but he also gave us insights on how to interact with different types of patients and on the values one should have in his or her medical career. For us this summer was very valuable, because in the years we spent at the university so far we didn’t have the opportunity to observe so closely the entire evolution of a patient, as in college we always participate in bigger groups of students to the clinical rotations and the experience was not as personal. Dr Romeo showed us how important it is to explain throughly to patients the procedures they will go through and to take the time to make sure they understand the risks and benefits. We also appreciate that dr Romeo showed us what means to be very passionate about what you are doing and how important patience is. Moreover, he showed us that medicine is all about teamwork and that having professional collagues at the private office and in the surgery room is the key to successful results. In conclusion, dr Romeo gave us a great opportunity to see a different medical system, which is a great asset in our future medical careers.

Let us know if it is ok with you!

Irina Lucaciel

Dr. Barbara Maisto

Dr. Daniele Messina

Hola a todos!! My name is Daniele Messina and I’m a Resident at the end of my third year of specialization in plastic reconstructive and aesthetics surgery at Messina’s University.
I had the special opportunity to visit Dr. Marco Romeo and follow him in his really nice clinic in the suggestive quarter of Salamanca in Madrid and also to perform surgery at his side.

I can say that Dr. Romeo is a really top player in performing aesthetic surgery.
Thanks his experience on face surgery he is very good in one of most requested and most difficult surgery in aesthetic: nose surgery!

He is actually a complete surgeon because during the days I’ve been at his side I could participate at almost every kind of aesthetic surgery like mastopexis, tummytuck, liposculpture, etcera and I saw him resolving every kind of problems his patients asked him to resolve with his meticolousness that is proper to a microsurgeon like him.

Overall I was really impressed by his personality and how much he is capable to build empaty and trust with patients to understand their purposes and to guide them to the goal.

I cannot avoid to spend a word on his staff that always give their support with professionalism and with wonderful smiles.

It was a short but very intense experience to me and I really learned much more than I could expect.

I will begin my fourth residency year and I will have my abroad experience soon and I think that have a longer experience with Dr. Romeo would be very constructive and I hope that It will be as soon as possible!!!!!

Dr. Ahmed Zubaidi

I had the honor and the opportunity to do fellowship with Dr. Marco and it was one of the best decisions I ever made although it wasn’t for long time but every day i was learning something new from him in plastic surgery field, i was amazed by the way that he treats his patients and how humble he is with them, if i had the chance I will do another training with him without thinking.

Ahmed Zubaidi

Dr. Oana-Maria Misca

Dr Romeo is an excellent surgeon and an amazing person, great teacher and mentor! I have participated in his fellowship and it has been a great learning experience.
A warm and friendly ambiance. His entire team work together to the benefit of the patients.
I highly recommend the services in his clinic!

Oana-Maria Misca

Dr. Alberto López

Los 3 meses del fellowship en Madrid con el Dr. Marco Romeo han sido una experiencia única e inolvidable, la cual volvería a repetir una y mil veces.

La combinación entre exposición a numerosos casos de consulta, cirugía y medicina estética aunados a todos los consejos , tips y explicaciones, además de estar rodeado siempre de un inigualable equipo y ambiente de trabajo, fueron la clave para rebasar mis expectativas de aprendizaje buscadas con este fellowship, por lo cual lo recomiendo ampliamente, sobre todo a colegas que estén por terminar o recién terminada la residencia de cirugía plástica.

Alberto Lopez Valles

Dr. Daniel Bunker

I had a great time with Marco. He loves his work and is passionate about doing the best for his patients. While this fellowship provides an opportunity to see aesthetic surgery (particularly rhinoplasty), importantly it allows you to see how to set up a successful private clinic and assess cosmetic patients. This would be a great opportunity for a resident or junior surgeon wanting exposure to aesthetic surgery of the face.

Daniel Bunker

Dr. Malgorzata Makowska

Interactive Aesthetic Fellowship has opened up new opportunities for me, and I’m very appreciative of that. It was a very rewarding experience on many levels. The one-on-one teaching and the wide range of surgeries performed are highly worthwhile. Madrid is an amazing city to live in, which is an added bonus. During my fellowship, I assisted in every single case performed by Dr. Romeo.

I was also able to attend the consultations, where I learned how to properly evaluate surgical indications for all cases. The fellowship was also excellent in terms of managing a private practice. It was very interesting to understand the inner workings of a private clinic.

Best regards to the whole team! Thank you, Dr. Romeo, for sharing all your surgical experience with me!

Malgorzata Makowska

Dr. Andrea Planegger

I have been doing an aesthetic fellowship with Marco and have been able to assist him in procedures, as well as participate in clinical consultations. I can highly recommend this fellowship because Marco enjoys teaching his fellows and tries to maximize his trainees’ personal learning experience. Not only did I feel part of the team, but I also gained experience that was very helpful for my personal practice.

Andrea Planegger

Dr. Riccardo Carbonaro

I have been a Fellow of Dr Romeo and I learned a lot from him. He is very passionate about his job a treats every patient with the highest standards. He is also eager to teach and to share his knowledge and experience with youger surgeons such as myself.

Riccardo Carbonaro

Dr Riccardo Carbonaro

Dr. Giorgio Squarcia

The 15 weeks of fellowship with Dr. Romeo were a unique experience of professional growth. Dr. Romeo was an example for me both from a surgical point of view and for his way of making the patient feel at ease with grace and elegance. Thanks to this experience, I was able to refine my skills and knowledge in the field of cosmetic surgery. Dr. Romeo and his staff immediately welcomed me, making me feel part of the group from day one. Thanks for everything, Dr. Romeo.

Dr. Giorgio Squarcia

Dr. Santiago García

Hola a tod@s mi nombre es Santiago García, soy cirujano plástico de Montevideo, Uruguay.

Tuve el placer de realizar el Fellow con el Dr. Marco Romeo y su equipo.

Durante ese tiempo formé parte del mismo sintiéndome totalmente incluido, además de aprender y llevarme muchas enseñanzas tanto profesionales como para la vida.

El Dr. Romeo tiene un gran equipo, cada uno es una pieza fundamental, siendo muy provechosa para mi la rotación.

Muchas gracias por recibirme. Espero verlos pronto

Dr. Santiago García

Dr Buddhika Dassanayake

The aesthetic surgery experience that I had with Dr. Marco Romeo was really fascinating. His in-depth knowledge, clinical skills, and willingness to teach were really appreciable. The supporting team was also really helpful. After all, it was a great time in Madrid.

Dr. Buddhika Dassanayake

Dr Buddhika Dassanayake

Dr. Serban Dumitrache

Dr Romeo is a great surgeon and a wonderful person. His whole practice is orientated to the patient’s care and providing the best results.

Dr. Serban Dumitrache

Dr Serban Dumitrache

Dr. Laura Belloni

Buongiorno. Sono una specializzanda di chirurgia plastica dell’Università di Milano. Ho avuto la possibilità di seguire il Dott. Romeo nella sua attività per due mesi sia in sala operatoria sia in ambulatorio. È stato un periodo molto importante per la mia formazione, ho approfondito soprattutto tecniche chirurgiche del volto ma non solo. Il dottore è molto disponibile e professionale, come tutta la sua fantastica equipe. Grazie per l’esperienza. A presto!

Dr. Laura Belloni

Dr Laura Belloni